Sunday, May 10, 2020
I Am Close With Damon - 971 Words
Since the age of fifteen, I have been dating my boyfriend, Damon, whose family has accepted me as their own. Last year, Damon’s step-brother Elijah had a wonderful little girl named Korra. She is now 11 months old and beginning to exhibit signs of development that we have been exploring in our class work. Since I am close with Damon’s family, I have been able to see at least once a week and watch her develop and learn new things, allowing me to compare her to one of our recent chapters, which was development. I have noticed that Korra is showing Secure Attachment when with her mother, Jessica. When Korra is with her, she is a very happy baby who is willing to be around others that she recognizes and is not afraid to play with her toys; but when her mother leaves she begins to panic and cry out for Jessica to come back. This weekend we had a party for Damon’s youngest sister, and she had many friends over to play and celebrate. When Jessica left Korra with Damonâ €™s sister and her friends, Korra became scared and began to cry for her mother; and when mom returned, Korra was happy and no longer crying. The text book refers to secure attachment as â€Å"in their mother’s presence they play comfortably, happily exploring their new environment†(Meyers Dewall, 2014). Korra is a direct reflection of this statement of the book, depicting that she has a healthy relationship with her mother. The Stranger Anxiety Korra exhibits when her mother leaves is very typical for aShow MoreRelatedViolence In Films Essay720 Words  | 3 PagesViolence In Films In this essay I am going to compare 3 scenes of violence from 3 different genres and analyse their certifications and effects on young people and whether children are finding ways of viewing secretly, or are being allowed to see, too much violence in films, T.V or through any other median. 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